Friday, 24 April 2009

Am I hearing right?

Do you ever wonder if you are hearing right or that when you have a little doubt that you may be missing out some sound that you once heard it before?

Whether you have recently lost your hearing or you just have cochlear implant, it is always useful to get yourself check out to make sure you are not missing out much. It might be because your device is slowing down that need repair or that you are not feeling ill, tired and often find people repeating the same sentence back to you. I may wear the cochlear implant after wearing them for 4 months and I still get people repeating themselves to me even though I heard them first time. Without getting myself annoyed, I often remind them that they repeat themselves how many times they have said it. Although, I have discovered that it will not make any difference. They still do it!

Maybe I was giving them a blank look without knowing what to say back and people often have to repeat themselves. Me mam often told me that I do that but how else do I respond???

Any advise anyone?

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